창조적 혁신을 위한 서울의 브루클린, 성수동의 재탄생 서울 동쪽에 위치한 성수동은 창의성과 문화의 역동적인 중심지로 떠오르며 종종 "서울의 브루클린"이라고 불립니다. 자세히보기

Asiance Inside

프랑스 비즈니스 리더 및 기업가를 위한 워크샵

Workshop for French business leaders and entrepreneurs


FKCCI, ESCP Europe, BPI France,  Business France and Ah Jiang as co Suga ,  invited the French business leaders and entrepreneurs in South Korea held a one-week workshop hours .  Among the programs to the unique culture of Korea Ah Jiang's Olivier means that ripened representatives welcomed the party ,  ecosystems ,  there was a special flowchart that explains about marketing and consumer markets .

Oh this occasion Jiang seuneun positive impact is becoming more between Korea and France ,  are expected to lead to more interaction .